The event has ended! Up-to-date information about the next meeting can be found on the website


Call for Abstracts

You are invited to participate in the 30th International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting by submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation. The abstract submission site is now open.

The 2020 meeting is entitled “Changing Exposure, Climate, and Health: From Science to Policy”. Please consider how your presentation/poster might incorporate the meeting theme and emphasize the interdisciplinary and multi-scale nature of exposure science, as well as the different communities involved. We will of course welcome all presentations/posters that are related to any area of ambient or occupational exposure.

Generally, authors are permitted as presenting author on only two oral presentations for the meeting. Acceptance of any additional oral presentations will be at the discretion of the meeting co-chairs. There is no restriction to the number of poster presentations or co-authorships. The abstracts are limited to 400 words. Each proposal can be taken out of submission to be edited up until the due date of May 18, 2020. For all inquiries related to abstracts, please email:


  1. Proposals are being accepted for both oral presentations and poster presentations.
  2. Students should use this forum to submit a general abstract to enter a poster into the student poster competition.
  3. Each submitting author will be required to create a user ID and password if they have not already done so. We suggest entering your e-mail address as your user ID and your desired password.
  4. The submitting author will enter in the contact and affiliation information for each author. Each proposal must have a presenting author and corresponding author, although one person can serve in both roles.
  5. Oral presentations should be 10 – 20 minutes, excluding time for questions.
  6. Abstract word limit is 400.


  1. The proposed symposium submitted by the Session Chair must have been accepted to allow abstract submission.
  2. Each submitting author will be required to create a user ID and password if they have not already done so. We suggest entering your e-mail address as your user ID and your desired password.
  3. Follow the instructions on the site to ensure your submission is included as a symposium abstract and not a general abstract and is associated with the correct symposium. If you have questions or do not see your associated symposium on the list, please contact:
  4. Each abstract must have a presenting author and a corresponding author, although one person can serve in both roles.
  5. Oral presentations should be 10 – 20 minutes, dependent on the symposium format chosen.  If you have questions regarding the time provided for the presentation, please contact the symposium organizer.
  6. Abstract word limit is 400.
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